Protect wild lobos wherever they may roam.

Climate Change, Drought, and Mass Extinction

Historic range is climate change denial

The annual report of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish acknowledges that their operations depend on “the combined support of hunters, trappers and anglers.” Together with the State Game Commission, they have opposed trapping restrictions. For years they opposed Mexican wolf reintroduction, but now they participate in the program to restrict wolves to to a limited experimental area.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service, currently run by … Read full post

Hunters demand access to national monuments

In an article published in the Santa Fe New Mexican and posted on Garrett VeneKlasen, executive director of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, emphasizes the value of the Sabinoso wilderness as a site for hunting exotic African wildlife, namely Barbary sheep. Hunters’ organizations including NM Wildlife Federation and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, which counts Donald Trump, Jr, as a life member, misleadingly describe their campaign for increased hunting as “public access.” VeneKlassen, who … Read full post

Protect Wolves from NM Maim and Squish

At its latest meeting the New Mexico Game and Fish Commission, not so affectionately known as Maim and Squish, voted against further reintroduction of Mexican wolves in New Mexico. This follows the previous month’s decision to expand mountain lion hunting and trapping. With leadership like Paul Kienzle, the Mountain States Legal Foundation’s vice chairman for litigation, and Elizabeth Ryan, a member of Safari Club International, the decisions by Maim and Squish did not … Read full post

Experiments with Wolves

Earlier this month the Albuquerque Journal reported that an employee of USDA Wildlife Services (WS) is being investigated for killing a Mexican wolf. The news came as the Mexican wolf recovery program reached its 15th anniversary. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), which oversees the Mexican wolf program, refuses to comment.
The Mexican wolves released by FWS are wolves bred in zoos. David Parsons, the original director of the Mexican Wolf reintroduction program, decided … Read full post